What a month March was Mothers day, Easter and a not so inconsequential day in the Macaloney family history, my Dad getting married for a second time and he’s certainly no Easter spring chicken.
Mothers day rivals Christmas day as our busiest day of the year and it’s important it’s perfect as we know how important Mums are to their families and they deserve to be treated very, very well indeed! And let’s face it, if your invited to Glenskirlie for Mothers day you want and expect a fantastic day and we certainly delivered…. it was just lovely seeing all those Mums with their families on such a fantastic day having such a great time, it’s days like that you enjoy in the restaurant trade as you can see how you’ve helped to make someones day really special.
So a good day was had by all Glenskirlie mums except perhaps one, Flories mum, however Diane knows the score, a husband in the restaurant trade there is no way I can miss working on Mothers day! However all the customers who inquired about what Diane was doing on Mothers day were horrified when I replied, ‘I don’t know she’s not my Mum !’, but don’t worry I made sure she got a treat the next day on her very own Mothers day, I put Florie in nursery and took Diane to the pictures, I’ve never seen a Mum so pleased not to see her daughter on Mothers day!
Easter as always was a family day at Glenskirlie, lots of families with children enjoying the long weekend and plenty of Easter Eggs, chocolate was the theme of the day and our chefs are always super at eggifying the day as you can see from one of our Easter desserts on the photo.
In between these two busy dates in the Glenskirlie calendar my Dad decided to get married and add to the pressure!
Now of course there was no way he would or should get married anywhere but Glenskirlie, however did he really have to choose March, what about a nice quiet Sunday in February or November, not our busiest time!! Mind you he had kept Irene waiting for about 10 years!
All kidding aside we had a fantastic intimate family wedding in the Castle for 34 guests. The bride was stunning, the groom scrubbed up the best he could and the chef surpassed himself with the quality of the meal. It was the first time we reset the ceremony room for a meal after the wedding and it was absolutely stunning, a very special place indeed for a small intimate occasion.
So I wish my Dad and his new bride Irene all the best and hopefully we have a new set of baby sitters as we all know grans and papas are always babysitting…….so roll on their return from honeymoon!