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May was a great month with a busy wedding season, brilliant weather and two holiday weekends, so a lot to be happy about in the world of Glenskirlie.

We were really busy and its great to see everyone enjoying the gardens; Bride and Grooms are happy as they get fantastic pictures in the sunshine. The wedding guests are mega happy as not only do they have fantastic surroundings and food they have the added bonus of drinking champagne and cold beers in the sunshine, so perfect all round on the wedding front.

The restaurant customers have the option of dining ‘al fresco’ and what an option that is, fine dining in the sunshine with a beautifully chilled glass of rose, now there’s a strange but wonderful experience in Scotland, one definitely not to be missed as it might be 10 years before the next window of opportunity arises!

The House garden really is amazing in May with all the flowers in full bloom it really is a spectacular show of colour. So I just love it when all our customers can enjoy them and get full use of such an amazing space.

There was only one person in the Macaloney family not happy about May, that was my eldest daughter, Lara, who was sitting her highers. Poor wee soul not only was it stressful enough worrying about her study plan she couldn’t even sit in the sunshine as it was too hot and too bright, so inside she went, unhappiness personified for three weeks. To be fair to her she didn’t really moan and she wasn’t too moody, no mean feat for a 16 year old, so I thought a carrot and a reward may be in order to ease her pain. I looked for cheap flights somewhere warm and glamorous, if possible, and up popped Nice, I had never been so I thought why not, sounds perfect. The flight to Nice was also on the day her exams finished, so off we flew after a mega stressful history exam(possibly a story for another time) to sunshine and a little French style. Nice did not disappoint, the beach was suitably glam with all the beautiful people, the cafes were packed with people watchers and the food was fantastic. We had a ball, we may not have fitted in with the jet set and the beautiful people but we certainly enjoyed the show. We visited the beach twice, paid the extra for the private beach (only 1 day, got to get in with the vibe), day tripped to Antibes, such a beautiful town and mega yacht heaven, however the best time we had the whole trip was on the tourist mini train and the magic fountains in the park! You can take the boy out of Scotland! We had a great time on the little train running around the streets of Nice, a bit of tourist time fun, and then ‘taps aff’ for the water fountains in the park, Florie and I had a ball running through the water jets.


So now I’m back to reality, it’s raining and I’m working, however it’s not all bad the as the plants desperately needed a drink and Glenskirlie is a wonderful place to work.

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Kilsyth Road, Banknock, Stirlingshire, Scotland FK4 1UF

Reception: 01324 840 201

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